Thursday, May 30, 2013


All there is now is to wait and see. All the bills are paid until July sept the car ins. and I think I am going to change that. Now to wait and see what SS tells me on Monday, what my income will be for the next 16 or so years... Started looking into health ins. for myself since I know the girls will be covered under peachcare, go GA for having that at least.
Been pretty busy in a lazy kind of way today. Went and got the oil changed in the Jeep thanks to my mom in law who happened to have a punch card with 2 free oil changes left on it since she bought a new car. Then I went to Jacksonville to pick up the medical records, btw I dislike Shands Hospital with a deep fiery passion, they charged me 53.50 for pieces of paper, where as I went to Mayo Clinic to get the records from them and wasn't charged a dime. 
I found my trigger today, there is a video Shane posted over the winter of a Semi Truck with spinners. I could hear his voice, it felt good to cry a little. I miss him, also found a song trigger which is a pretty obvious one, but it just hadn't come on the Ipod til today. 

So that's today.... Stay tuned for tomorrow, because it all may be different.

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